Google-Sun vs. Microsoft

If Sun won't use web-based Office, who will?
"The only decent implementation of a clientless Office application with a rich user interface I've ever seen is Microsoft Office delivered via Citrix or Terminal Services but even that was never too popular."
One word: Pfft.

"Short of using Citrix, the only thing that would come close to delivering a decent client-less experience is Macromedia flash but coding such a beast is quite a challenge and it's much easier to implement something using screen push technology like Citrix."
This is bullshit. What has most, if not all, of Google's webware been using? AJAX! Yes, that clean, cool combination of XML, Javascript and something else. And who says it has to be a bloated piece of crap? No not at all. Just conduct a few usability tests and see which functions are used the most. The rest? Kill them. Kill them all. Heh. There are already online text editors (Gmail, Hotmail html/text email editors). All you need to do is add just a few more features. And if using XML, you can create new tags and use the OpenOffice document format. The author didn't put enough thought into his post.

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