Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon

Esta es la tercera entrega de la saga de los transformers. Espero que esta no sea como la segunda, porque a decir verdad la segunda no fue la gran cosa. Habrá que esperar hasta el Julio del próximo año para ver si se sacan el clavo en esta oportunidad, sino habrá que quemarlo a Michael Bay.


Chibolo rechazo por una niña.

Poema de la caca

Los mejores poemas de amor:D

Tips to Get Hundreds of Dollars Monthly From the Internet

Get all the tips to get Hundreds of dollars monthly from the Internet. Not MLM, MATRIX, High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP), Arisan chain, or Money Games. These tips are based on genuine personal experience, not a summary of other parties both in / out of the country.

Dapatkan semua tips-tips untuk memperoleh Ratusan dollar perbulan dari internet. Bukan MLM, Arisaan berantai, atau Money Games. Tips-tips ini adalah asli berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, Bukan berupa saduran dari pihak lain baik dalam/luar negeri.

Tips ini terutama difokuskan pada program-program online yang menggunakan paypal sebagai alat pembayarannya. Ya... Paypal sudah memberikan akses dan bisa dipakai warga Indonesia secara penuh, Bisa untuk mengirim dan terima uang bahkan sudah bisa di transfer langsung ke Bank-Bank yang ada di Indonesia. Mayoritas program online saat ini memakai Paypal sebagai alat pembayarannya sehingga ini merupakan sebuah peluang besar bagi kita warga Indonesia untuk bisa memperoleh penghasilan dari internet dengan mengikuti program-program online yang memakai paypal sebagai alat transaksi.

Paypal sangat ketat aturannya sehingga program-program internet yang berpotensi SCAM, Penipuan dan program ilegal lainnya tidak bisa memakai paypal karena perlu verifikasi dan setiap program yang melanggar aturan akan di BLOKIR. Karena itu mengikuti program-program online yang memakai paypal akan lebih aman dan lebih terjamin. Sekarang saatnya Anda memperoleh penghasilan dari berbagai macam program online free alias gratis yang memakai paypal. Setelah membuka account paypal, mulai mencari dan mengikuti beberapa program online yang menggunakan paypal, Anda akan mulai memperoleh Ratusan Dollar per Bulan

Dapatkan juga tips-tips lengkap seperti di bawah ini:

1. Tips lengkap tentang paypal :

* Cara membuka account paypal dengan mudah dan gratis.

* Tips melakukan verifikasi paypal tanpa perlu memiliki Credit card yang tidak melanggar aturan paypal dan terbukti sukses saya pergunakan serta bisa verified hanya dalam 30 menit saja.

* Tips melakukan transfer dari paypal secara langsung ke rekening Bank lokal di Indonesia. Tak perlu lagi membuat account Bank Luar negeri yang butuh biaya besar.

2. Tips meraih Ratusan dollar gratis ke paypal anda :

* Tips meraih dollar dari program-program online yang gratis, Saya bisa memperoleh ratusan dollar perbulan ke paypal dengan mengikuti program ini. Anda bisa langsung mengikuti tips ini dan segera mengumpulkan dollar gratis ke paypal tanpa perlu modal lagi.

3. Tips membangun sumber dollar ke paypal anda dengan mudah :

* UntukInfo lebih lengkap klik aja disini....



Anime itu...lucu...menarik, dan seru....tapi di sisi lain dapat menyebabkan ambeien, sakit kepala, gusi berdarah, dan muntaber. Kenapa?

Karena biasanya kalau sudah suka dengan tokoh 2D mereka bisa berimajinasi yang ngga2...serta mengeditnya menjadi foto yang menarik untuk dipamerkan di pasar baru ikan ato jalan kartini depan monas(bener ga ya?)

INTINYA, anime itu mengerikan.
Jika para orang tua membaca blog ini, mohon larang anak anda untuk mengenal anime yang satu ini...

•Hakuoki-Shinsengumi: udah tokohnya gay, bisa menghipnotis pula. (WASPADALAH! BULE AJA KENA!)

Nama penyakit ini adalah "Otakus Hijitikus" biasanya menyebar pada para penggemar anime2 yang rada2 "cantik" cowoknya.

Gw, pribadi udh pernah liat orang autis, aneh2 gt bentuk dan sikapnya...tapi gw JARANG liat orang bule autis...m
aklum gw org indo.... fisik mereka ga jelek2 bgt, tapi..... mereka kayanya autisnya lvl 1 gt....

(gw diajarin guru gw autis itu 4 lvl, makin rendah makin gawat)

bisa dibilang..org2 bule Italy ini udh sampe tingkat 1....mereka pikir anime2 ini hidup kali ya..... sampe mereka ngedit Gbr2 diatas tiap hari dengan biadap..andaikan anime bisa menjerit.....

berikut adalah gbr editan yang tidak bisa diterima dengan logika.....tarik nafas.....

<-----Gbr ga bisa bayangin apa yang dibayangin ato dipikirkan oleh cewe bule tersebut saat mengeditnya....entah maksud dan tujuan...entahlah....... sepertinya mengerikan untuk diungkapkan....

Gw pernah denger kasus cowo Jepang menikahi NITENDO DS dan cewenya adalah anime didalam DS itu.... mungkin cewe ini juga berniat demikian....kalo hamil...minta tanggung jawab siapa ya???? Yahoo! answer pun speechless...

<------- Jika kalian perhatikan gambar disamping, mungkin sekilas terlihat najis, tapi klo diperhatikan lebih jelas, akan lebih najis lagi....

Apa tidak seram? seorang cewe foto dengan cowo anime 2D tapi tangan si cowo itu 'real'

jadi fungsinya cuma buat grepe gt?????

Selanjutnya masi banyak namun lihat saja sendiri, dri gbr pertama (Paling atas) yang sudah saya tumpuk2 biar ga begitu keliatan...percayalah....itu bisa menghilangkan kantuk..... dan menyembuhkan pasien demam berdarah....
Zoom aja.... 


P.S: BY THE WAY DI TRANS TV NTN DEH MODEL2 L-MEN "Mister L-Men 2010" Badanya Hot2 abis! Kalo ga sempet ntn, buka youtube aja..... It works.... trust works.... (y)

Real Madrid Vs. Barcelona En Vivo

Sincronizacion 集団行動

La sincronizacion de estos japoneses es espectacular. El timing para realizar esta marcha es de lo mejor.



Jadi ceritanya nih, gw kenal si Ben Vezza di Perancis (Pas itu dia lagi disuruh jadi model Gucci) Maklumlah gw orang Asia sendiri disana yang tergolong asing bagi mereka (Padahal muka gw biasa aja tapi mereka kek ngeliat alien gt)

Nah pas itu gw lagi mau foto sama si Kapal (Kapal Gucci) yang jadi pusat perhatian org2, si Ben ini kebetulan disana jadi foto bareng


Setelah itu dia minta di tag di fb nya, alhasil si model prancis ini lah yang dengan sendirinya menuliskan nama "Ben Vezza" di Blackberry gw dengan catatan gw musti add dia.

Sayangnya, disana msn gw ato FB ga bs dibuka, ya udh, pas gw balik ke jakarta Minggu depanya baru gw add. Eh dia malah lupa. Setelah gw kirim fotonya baru inget. Pas itu dia like foto gw dan baru gw mau blg makasih di chat, dia udh mulai conversation duluan di chat....

Ben: Hi
Gw: Hi! Thanks for like my photo!

Di translate ke Indo...

Ben: Nope, lagi apa?
Gw: Belajar di kampus
Ben: Oh lu ud kerja/masi kampus?
Gw: Masi di kampus
Ben: Oh emang umur brapa?
Gw: 17
Ben: HAH????
Ben: 32
Gw: HAAAAAH???????????
Gw: Lu kerja apa?
Ben: Model, Pemain Sinetron, Lu cek aja di website2 Fb gw:
Gw: Wow, gw juga pernah masuk tipi by accident, Model pas kelas 6
Ben: Masa????Wow Pantes muka lu cakep sih, gw liat orang2 asia mukanya sipit2 jarang yang kaya lu
Gw: Makasih, foto2 di albummu bagus2 ya gw juga working on photography
Ben: Wow! Ya udh kalo gw ke indo nanti gw jadi model lu aja
Gw: HEH????
Ben: Iya lu bayar gw 18,000 dollar, dulu gw modeling di tokyo dibayar segitu
Ben: Mau ga?
Gw: Pikir2 dulu

Gw: Oh ya kalo disana ini bebas banget ya negaranya?
Ben: Iye free dong
Gw: Free sex kena denda ga?
Ben: Kagak, emang negara lo napa?

(Waktu itu gw iseng pengen liat reaksinya)

Gw: Kalo disini bisa dipenjara Ben, trus lu ga bakal bisa punya temen, dibenci semua orang, dan lu ga bakal diperbolehkan kerja ato apa blabla

Ben: jadi ke negara lu...gila...



Ps: Masa gw cma blg gw hobby moto dia nangkepnya gw mau hire dia jadi model D8



Seumur2 gw juga OGAH kali foto sama supir. Eiiiitttsss tapi pas gw lagi travelling ke Spanyol, Weish Astageb!
Pertamax gan! Supirnya ganteng! Ibu2 Pada tereak2 girang pas tau supirnya kaya begini. Malahan, tour leadernya nyaris dituker sama si Antonio ini.

Ibu2: Tuker tour leadernya sma Antonio! Biar aja tour leadernya jadi supir!
Gw: Setuju gan!

bahkan ada anak yang mencaci maki tour leadernya

Si bocah sableng (nih anak naksir gw padahal baru 6 tahun) : Kalo cici cocok sma bule2 Spanyol, jangan cari kaya tour leadernya, jelek trus bego!

Sumpah ngakak padahal si Antonio ini fasih banget ga bsa bahasa Inggris cuma senyum2 doang

Ibu2: Dugem (duduk gemetar) di kursi masing2 sementara bapak2 cma bsa meringis...

Ps: Disana tukang sampahnya kaya Cristiano Ronaldo! 



Adek gw ngidam banget tas dengan bentuk onigiri seperti gbr disamping, imud sih iya, tapi kecil banget kalo menurut gw. Keknya cuma bsa simpen tissue toilet gitu...

Lucunya di toko itu ada bermacam2 face seperti
• ' 3 ' = siul
• ' w ' = senang
• TT_TT = sedih
• dll

jadi kayanya sih menurut gw si pembeli musti beli semua tas dgn face beda2

adek gw jerit ke nyokap dihadapan di mbak2 yang jaga counter

adek gw: MUAMUAA!! Lia mau tas itu!
mbaknya :terus terus (dri mukanya sih kayanya dia ngomong gt)
nyokap gw: ngga! nyampah nanti!
adek gw : ga! lia mau itu!
nyokap gw: ya udh pilih satu
adek gw: yang mana ci? yang mukanya gembira, lagi sedih ato yg unyu?
gw: yg lagi unyu lah!
mbaknya: iya itu lagi bersiul ' 3 '
bokap: yang siul aja lebih lucu (tiba2 berkomentar)
gw: tuh kan papa ja tau
adek gw: oke yang lagi nyiul
nyokap gw (secara tiba2 berdeham) : SIUL! SENANG! SEDIH! emang harus beli semua apa???
adek gw: tiba2 kok aku kepikiran buat koleksi semuanya ya?
mbaknya: (nyengir kuda) 



Kebetulan guru bule skul gw nyuruh aplly CV yg katanya bsa ngebantu dlm pekerjaan gw nantinya, karena itu dia butuh foto yg gw kira musti formal..nah gw kirim foto culun disangka2 DITOLAK!

Dia trus liat foto profile FB ku....

"Use this one" ANJROT! Astageb... pake foto gini sih (gbr disamping foto narsis gw)

kaya gw apply buat working di rock industry bukanya design company! lol guru bule gue gahul, "namanya jga skul design" lanjutnya nyengir kuda



Sekolah ajaib yg terletak di atas citywalk ini ternyata punya sebuah misteri dibaliknya...

Atapnya jebol sendiri dan untungnya tidak ada korban jiwa. Ada 5 korban; 

• Nesia Marcely
• Arcellius Jesse
• Revina Lim
• Shelly Tj
• Yudi

Diduga seekor kecoa-lah penyebab penjebolan atap ini, ditemukan seekor bangkai kecoa sesaat setelah atap runtuh. Dia tidak berkutik ataupun mengelak ketika ditangkap dan dilarikan ke tong sampah terdekat.

Ps: the power of kecoa



Adalah salah satu film wajib yang harus ditonton oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Selain dari tekniknya yang nanggung.

Gw baru pertama kali nonton Indosiar dan betapa terkejutnya gw melihat aktornya ganteng, sayangnya dia menyanyikan lagu dangdut, gimana ga ilfil coba? 

Pembantu, Ibu, dan anak sama cantik dan mudanya. Settingnya di negara entah berantah tapi plat mobilnya B!

Sepetinya Indosiar mencoba menggabungkan lagu India dan dangdut, malah jadi aneh dengan durasi lagu 15 per nyanyian (setiap aktor menyanyikan 2 lagu maksimum) di kebun bunga mawar yang agaknya plastik. Animasi tanggung seperti ikan berenang di langit namun sama sekali tidak menyatu dengan lokasinya. Si aktor ganteng melahirkan anak ikan koi. Status raja yang disandangnya sama sekali tidak cocok dengan baju khas Indianya tidak matching dengan celana polo-nya.

Ps: Jangan ntn Indosiar!

como cambiarse en 5 minutos

Esto es para las personas que le gusta levantarse tarde por las mañanas. Estas tecnicas le ayudaran a cambiarse, preparar y tomar su desayuno en menos 5 minutos. Ideal para aquellas personas que le gusta aprovechar lo maximo del sueño.

Watch UFC 120 LIVE STREAM Free: Bisping vs Akiyama Online

Watch UFC 120 live stream video online on October 16, 2010 airing via tape-delay at 8 p.m. ET free on Spike TV. UFC 120 live match will be held at the O2 Arena in London, England. Bisping vs Akiyama is the main event of the evening.

UFC 120 is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they've been waiting for.
Two great UFC

Crazy Eyes: Adventures in Eye doctors doing breast surgery part deux

While it's hard to top the debacle I wrote about in Atlanta where an eye surgeon nearly boxed someone trying to do a breast augmentation surgery in his office, I came across this other article by another opthomolgist turned "breast expert". I don't know whether he's trying to be clever marketing a procedure or is just ignorant about breast surgery in general, but I came away from this article shaking my head.

The doctor is proposing a breast lift (mastopexy) surgery performed thru the armpit by suturing the breast to the pectoralis muscle and then placing an implant. He describes the surgery appropriate for women with little ptosis. Looking at his picture, you can see that whatever effect he's proposing is nonexistent as the patient doesn't even have ptosis (droop) of the breast. Any illusion of a "lift" is by placing an overly large implant for her frame and actually lowering her breast position to centralize the implant. There is clearly no "lift" going on whatsoever, but rather he's stretched out her lower breast.

I do not predict a good long-term result from this as that skin will frequently continue to stretch unless she develops hardening of her implant. I also would be reluctant to have suggested such a large implant for this patient as you had to violate her native breast boundaries to place it, again a poor strategy for long term results. These are elementary principles of modern breast augmentation.

It's been pretty well established thru collective world-wide experience among plastic surgeons that the maneuver of trying to sew the breast to a higher position to exaggerate the upper pole does not work, which has been demonstrated on a number of follow up studies when this has been attempted.


Lady Gaga Wants Breast Augmentation


Lady Gaga is lusting for a new accessory, and this time, we're not talking a fire cracker bra or or meat dress.

The pop star was overheard telling a waitress in New York that she was having a serious case of boob job envy while enjoying dinner with her beau, Luc Carl, reports the Daily Star UK.

"I love your boobs! Are they real? I really want to get implants too, I love fake boobs," Gaga allegedly told the waitress. But the platinum blonde had some reservations. "I'm not sure how Luc would feel about me getting my boobs made bigger," added the star.

This actually brings up a great point that readers looking to get a boob job often complain to me about: boyfriends and husbands who aren't down with the idea, and aren't supportive. It can be really upsetting when your man doesn't stand behind a major (and exciting) decision like getting a breast augmentation.

It's confusing, isn't it? Here you are, wanting to look your best -- and chances are, you probably take good care of yourself -- eat well, workout, dress well -- as many breast augmentation patients tend to do, because they're concerned with looking their best. Shouldn't a man be proud to have a woman who takes care of herself as a partner?

The thing is, breast implants cause any insecurities that a man has to boil to the surface -- because many fear that a pair of new boobs is going to be followed by an upgrade in a new man too. You can allay these type of fears with a sit-down chat about how the only that will be changing will be your boobs -- not your relationship. Just talking about it could be all the comfort he needs to get on board with the idea.

Other times, a guy can just be worried about your safety. There are boob job horror stories all over the internet, newspapers and television -- and many people mistakenly believe it's a dangerous surgery with risky complications and unattractive results. Nothing could be further from the truth of course if you do all your research and make the right choices, but people don't know that. If this is the case with your man, let him know that you've done all the research, and show him pictures of the kind of results you're going for. People don't always realize that boob jobs come in more than just one size and shape -- and when he sees that you've hired a great surgeon and have a specific final look in mind, he'll probably relax and maybe even become your cheerleader.

And more rarely, the issue could be that your man is just a boob about boob jobs -- and an underlying cause like jealousy or controlling behavior that is reflected in other areas of the relationship too comes to a head. In this case, you'll want to consider cleaning up or moving past the relationship before you get involved with a breast augmentation -- so that you're in a healthy, positive and happy state of mind before you make such a major decision.

And if you're looking for support, don't hesitate to reach out to me. My contact info is on my blog bio page.



Watch UFC 119 LIVE STREAM Free: Mir vs Cro Cop Online

Watch UFC 119 live stream video online on September 25, 2010 at 7PM PT/10PM ET. UFC 119 live match will be held at Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States. Frank Mir vs. Croatia Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipović is the main event of the evening.

UFC 119 is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they've been waiting for.

Heidi Montag Regrets Big Breast Implants

Heidi Montag admits that she hates her G-cup breast implants, and is getting them taken out. 

Unfortunately, I'm not surprised -- I always say that bigger is NOT always better when it comes to boob jobs. New York's Dr. Jennifer Walden agrees, and recommends a better size for Heidi. READ MORE.

Plastic Surgery Specialists of Birmingham's new website is Live!

Our practice's totally redesigned website has gone live today! Check us out on the web at Plastic Surgery Specialists. We hope to more fully realize the technology available to communicate our practice to potential patients.

I'd like to thank the guys at Plastic Surgery Studios for working with this over the last few months on this project. It was a lot of sweat equity to get to the finished product and we're very happy.


Bleach Episode 284 English Sub Streaming Online

Bleach Episode 284 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Bleach Episode 284 entitled "Chain of Sacrifice, Harribel's Past" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated  TV series "Bleach" with its new episode that is originally released August 17, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Bleach Episode 284 to come out, so enjoy watching Bleach Episode 284. Get it

Ways to (nearly) ruin your life 101 - Choosing an Atlanta eye doctor to do your breast augmentation surgery

This summer there was an awful instance of medical negligence in Georgia involving an eye-doctor (opthamologist) who had major complications while attempting to perform breast augmentation surgery in his office. You can hear a frantic 911 call from the doctor explaining that he has encountered uncontrollable bleeding he created while during her breast implant surgery and has no idea how to fix it. Since the patient was under only local anesthetic (with presumably mild oral or IV sedation) during the operation, she told reporters that she heard the call go out to 911 for help and then her doctor saying that he couldn’t stop her bleeding. Can you imagine how horrifying that must have been listening to that conversation?

You can view 2 video news clips on the story here & here.

This is a really frightening story as it highlights the proliferation of unqualified and untrained physicians attempting to practice cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. If you are not trained in plastic surgery you should not be performing these procedures PERIOD. The inability of this eye surgeon to handle routine issues during breast implant surgery and the patient safety issues it raises should cause state medical boards to get involved with scope of practice issues and office based surgery regulations.


Bleach Episode 283 English Sub Streaming Online

Bleach Episode 283 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Bleach Episode 283 entitled "Fury of the Shark! Halibel Releases" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated  TV series "Bleach" with its new episode that is originally released August 10, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Bleach Episode 283 to come out, so enjoy watching Bleach Episode 283. Get it

The Dangers of Bargain Boob Jobs

Photo: Jessica Cbl

Cheapie plastic surgery bargains have been on the rise - but the two women I interview tell tales of a face lift and breast augmentation gone wrong, and how it ended up costing them more in the long run. 

Plus, a popular discount cosmetic surgery chain that I strongly advise you avoid at all costs. READ MORE.

Watch UFC 117 LIVE STREAM Free: Silva vs Sonnen Online


Watch UFC 117 live stream video online on August 7, 2010 at 7PM PT/10PM ET. UFC 117 live match will be held at the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, United States. Anderson "The Spider" Silva vs Chael Sonnen is the main event of the evening.

UFC 117 is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they've been waiting for.
Two great

Why is breast cancer reconstruction surgery with implants done in multiple stages? "Baby Steps"

From time to time you will get asked by breast cancer patients whether their reconstruction surgery can be done all in one stage at the time of mastectomy. The answer is you can, but there are a number of factors working against you for the best result, such that "baby steps" (planned sequential small procedures)

Typically, most implant reconstruction surgery involves placing a temporary implant called a "tissue expander" at the time of mastectomy that is later replaced by a permanent implant. As compared to a regular implant, a tissue expander is shaped different to maximize shape of the lower breast. It is decidedly more rigid and firm and then permanent devices, particular when silicone implants are later used. The advantage of such specialized devices is that they allow either 1) expansion of the skin by periodically adding fluid to them and 2) better resisting shrinkage of the skin following mastectomy.

Planned 2 stage surgery was popularized by Dr. Pat Maxwell (my mentor) and Dr. Scott Spears, and is well established as the most popular way to do breast reconstruction world wide. There has always been some interest in trying to skip the intermediate step, but doing it predictably is elusive. The big problem is tissue shrinkage of the skin, which as I mentioned is better resisted by the more rigid expander implant versus the softer permanent ones. The best candidates are those with smaller breasts who are having nipple-sparing procedures so that the native skin is 100% conserved. Even in that group, I find I'd be increasingly likely to go back and fat graft to camouflage the implant in a 2nd stage surgery. To my way of thinking, the benefit of single stage surgery just work enough to give up the benefit of the expander structural advantages.


Latisse (the eyelash drug) has been a raging clinical success

Quick thought of the day:

After dispensing Allergan's Latisse medication for enhancing eyelash growth for over a year now, I'm officially impressed. It is hand's down the single most reliable treatment we offer to patients, and I have not seen anyone who does not respond well with it. Part of it's popularity is also the relatively low price tag (~ $120-$130 for a 2 month supply).

The "off the record" advice I have for Latisse users is that I think you can actually use it less frequently then daily and maintain results. I advise patients that once they get to a good clinical result that they try every other or every third day for application. Rationing the medication like that can make a single box extend for 3-4 months instead of 2 without much diminishing results. A good cosmetic budgeting strategy in these times!


When is a medical record not a medical record? When the Obama adminstration get's PC with it

If the roll out of 21st century health care could have been more poorly handled, I'm not sure how. From a slow bleed over the spring involving an ill-conceived re-imagination of American health care delivery by the Democrats we are now presented with statements from President Obama's electronic medical record (EMR) czar that a medical record does not have to actually reflect what your medical history is.

Dr. David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, said in an interview with CNS news (see here) that patients can choose to omit procedures such as abortions, positive HIV tests, or other perceived embarrassing information from their electronic health records (EHR).This is concerning in that a purported health record reporting a patient's comprehensive history could be edited so as to be politically correct. As a provider it would be important (for instance) to know that a patient had hepatitis or HIV before scheduling major elective procedures so as to protect oneself and operating room staff from unnecessary exposure or even advise patients to avoid some procedures altogether. Much as a physician has an informed consent with a patient, a provider must be aware of any and all material issues when delivering care.




Ga tau knp akhir2 ini gw sukaaa sekali sama belalang. Dia itu ijo, imut, lucu, sexy, keker, dsb, kyaaaa...!! 

Gw menganggap kalo belalang jantan adalah binatang yang paling jantan diantara yang paling jantan. Alesanya? karena diaaa..machooo gt, loncat2 lagi....

Begini sodara2 yang belum tau, mungkin habis mendengar penjelasan berikut ini, kalian akan
menari poco2, ato senam perut, ato bahkan mungkin muntaber. Belalang jantan, sesaat setelah kawin dengan betinanya akan langsung dicaplok mentah2 seperti sushi oleh betinanya. Kok dia masi mau kawin sih? Mending jadi belalang gay kan? Tapi ternyata bukan karena dia goblok ato dihipnotis, itu semua karena belalang itu juga punya cinta, yang mengakibatkan, dia rela berkorban dan mati demi pasanganya.


P.S: aku mulai mencari belalang disekitar komplek-ku. Semua orang harus lebih mencintai belalang ya. Go Green.

-Kutipan belalang ini terinspirasi dari Raditya Dika-



Udah lebih dari sebulan gw ga pernah tidur di kamar gw. Alesanya? bukan, gw ga takut ngaca tengah malem. Cuman adek gw itu ga mau tidur sendirian, jadi gw harus tidur temenin dia.

Pagi2 buta, gw seperti biasa keluar kamar, langsung kebawah. Pas dibawah gw liat adek gw lgi twitteran.

Adek gw: Ci..
Gw: Apa?
Adek: Cc, tadi lia liat burung gereja, lucu deh, tapi kasian gt
Gw: Oh...Ud terbang kemana?
Adek gw: Udh di kandangnya
Gw: Mana? *nyariin kandang burung*
Adek gw: Aku kurung di kamar cc...
Gw: HAH? Gimana sih! kalo nanti pipis ato pup gmn?
Adek gw: Habis dia maunya dikamar cc

habis itu gw baru sadar kalo burung itu dengan enaknya pup di kaca gw. shit.

P.S: Kamar jangan dijadikan kandang burung

What to look for for well done breast augmentation surgery -The inframammary fold

Sorry for the long break! We've been busy designing our practice's new web site. It's gonna POP! Stay Tuned.

This post is kind of an "inside baseball" topic about what surgeons look at when we judge our own or others work. One thing I fixate on more and more with cosmetic breast surgery is the position of the inframammary fold (IMF). The IMF (in layman's terms) is an anatomic landmark created by adherence of connective tissue to the chest wall. It defines the inferior border of the anatomic breast, and it's location makes it the most popular place for an incision to place breast implants via the "inframammary" approach.

One of the things I look for in someone I've operated on or whom comes in for revision surgery by another provider is where a prior inframammary scar is. If the scar is stable and in the position it was originally made in then I'm satisfied the surgical dissection was performed well. If the scar is now residing up on the skin of the lower breast, that suggests over release of the native IMF during prior surgery. Once violated, that anatomic border is hard to reliably recreate. Just a little extra attention during surgery can prevent a lot of issues down the road as it relates to this.


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Watch UFC 116 LIVE STREAM Free: Lesnar vs Carwin Online

Watch UFC 116 live stream video online on July 3, 2010 at 10pm ET/ 7PM PT/ 3AM GMT. UFC 116 live match will be held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin is the main event of the evening for the Heavyweight Championship bout.

UFC 116 is just a day away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement

Watch UFC 115 LIVE STREAM Free: Liddell vs Franklin Online

Watch UFC 115 live stream video online on June 12, 2010 at 7PM PT/10PM ET. UFC 115 live match will be held at the General Motors Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell vs. Rich "Ace" Franklin is the main event of the evening.

UFC 115 is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they've been waiting for



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Kakashi Hatake Chidori

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Gaara - Surrounded by fire

Breast Augmentation Fat Transfer

The thought of swapping out extra fat from your tummy or thighs to your breasts sounds pretty amazing, doesn't it?

The technique is called breast augmentation fat transfer.

And while it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, it's a technique that more and more plastic surgeons are experimenting with today!

One important thing: This technique is in the experimental phase, so I don't advise that you try to find a plastic surgeon who will perform this on you right now.

But it's a super interesting technique that you may be able to safely consider a little further down the road, once they've completed more tests to make sure everything is kosher. READ MORE.

Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 English Sub Streaming Online

Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Naruto Shippuden Episode 163 entitled "Explode! Sage Mode" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Naruto Shippuden" with its new episode that is originally released June 3, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Naruto Shippuden episode 163 to come out, so enjoy watching Naruto

Bleach Episode 273 English Sub Streaming Online

Bleach Episode 273 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Bleach Episode 273 entitled "Fury of the Shark! Halibel Releases" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Bleach" with its new episode that is originally released June 1, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Bleach Episode 273 to come out, so enjoy watching Bleach Episode 273. Get it

Watch UFC 114 LIVE STREAM Free: Rampage vs Evans Online

Watch UFC 114 live stream video online on May 29, 2010 at 7PM PT/10PM ET. UFC 114 live match will be held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Rampage" Jackson vs Rashad "Sugar" Evans is the main event of the evening.

UFC 114 is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they've been waiting for.
Two former UFC light

American Idol 2010 Winner: Who won American Idol 9 Results

We're about to find out who won American Idol 2010 winner after last night's awesome performances by Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze. Based on DialIdol, it looks like Lee DeWyze could be the 2010 American Idol 9 winner!

Join us as we wait to see the big American Idol May 26, 2010 results.

Find out who the American Idol 2010 Winner is. To get access for the live result updates, visit it here:

Naruto Shippuden Episode 162 English Sub Streaming Online

Naruto Shippuden Episode 162 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Naruto Shippuden Episode 162 entitled "Pain to the World" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Naruto Shippuden" with its new episode that is originally released May 27, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Naruto Shippuden episode 162 to come out, so enjoy watching Naruto

Bleach Episode 272 English Sub Streaming Online

Bleach Episode 272 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Bleach Episode 272 entitled "Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Conclusion!" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Bleach" with its new episode that is originally released May 25, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Bleach Episode 272 to come out, so enjoy watching Bleach Episode 272. Get it free

Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 English Sub Streaming Online

Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 entitled "Surname is Sarutobi, Given Name is Konohamaru" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Naruto Shippuden" with its new episode that is originally released May 20, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Naruto Shippuden episode 161 to come out,

Bleach Episode 271 English Sub Streaming Online

Bleach Episode 271 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Bleach Episode 271 entitled "Ichigo Dies! Orihime, the Cry of Sorrow!" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Bleach" with its new episode that is originally released May 18, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Bleach Episode 271 to come out, so enjoy watching Bleach Episode 271. Get

Naruto Shippuden Episode 160 English Sub Streaming Online

Naruto Shippuden Episode 160 English Sub Online Streaming - The all new Naruto Shippuden Episode 160 entitled "Mystery of Pain" in English Subbed. Don't miss to watch your favorite Animated TV series "Naruto Shippuden" with its new episode that is originally released May 13, 2010. I know many of you have been waiting for this Naruto Shippuden episode 160 to come out, so enjoy watching Naruto

My Body just like Miyabi


Pagi ini bokap gw liat berita ttg Miyabi dan agaknya dia terobsesi sama Miyabi.

Gw bangun, tanpa dosa, ke ruang tengah. Bokap dan nyokap lagi nonton teve berita, nyokap lagi BBM-an.

Bokap: Kamu, kering kek tempe! minum air yang banyak biar sehat! 
Gw: Iyee...
Bokap: Biar badan jga bagus...kaya bi...
Gw: *sambil minum* biola?
Bokap: Bukan, kaya..badan mama kamu, yang mirip...MIYABI!

Gw: Kenapa..Miyabi?
Bokap: Karena badanya bagus!
Gw: Nanti September pas ke Jepang, gw pengen tanya Miyabi langsung kalo ketemu. Miyabi, kamu bisa seksi, karena minum mineral water tiap hari? HAIK!

P.S: Mau dapet badan pornstar? cukup minum MINERAL WATER! MURAH MERIAH!

Use it or lose it: study shows consistant BOTOX use can allow longer results

Confirming what many Plastic Surgeons have noticed, a study just published suggests that patients who maintain their treatments with BOTOX for several years need fewer treatments to maintain their results.

On average, someone receiving treatment of their forehead or glabella (area between the eyebrow) requires retreatment every 3-4 months. The new study from the OHSU School of Medicine in Portland,OR shows that after 2 years of consistent treatments, the interval between treatment could be extended to 6 months with no difference in results.


Watch UFC 113 Live Stream Online | UFC 113 Results

WATCH UFC 113 LIVE STREAM ON PPV!Watch UFC 113 live stream video online on May 8, 2010 at 8:00 PM ET. UFC 113 live match will be held at from Bell Centre in Quebec, Canada. Lyoto Machida vs Mauricio “Shogun” Rua as the main event of the evening.
UFC 113 Machida vs Shogun 2 fight event is just an hours away and soon, MMA fans will get another dose of excitement they’ve been expecting for.

Kush Support

An interesting product pitch involving breasts crossed my desk today.

It actually made me laugh out loud.

Created by doctors, Kush Support is a sleek plastic cylinder meant to provide breast support and comfort while you sleep.

They claim that it's perfect for breast implants, c-cup or larger girls, side sleepers, post-op recovery, pregnancy and back pain. They also say that it prevents cleavage wrinkles -- as if mother nature doesn't give us enough to worry about on our face and necks!

I haven't tried the tool myself, but I'm completely intrigued.

I remember when I was healing from my augmentation, sleeping on my side several weeks later still felt very uncomfortable because the new weight of my top breast pulled against gravity, and my tenderly healing skin wasn't too happy about that.

But if you're healing from a breast augmentation, be sure to ask your doctor for approval -- as with anything else -- before you give it a try.

Dare I ask what they'll think of next?



Gile asli gw ga habis pikir, skrg crita rakyat daerah makin manteb. Kalo dulu kelinci dan kura2. sekarang jaman nya ikan gabus dan tupai!

Adek gw (SMP1) ada peer, suruh cari crita rakyat daerah, yang nanti bakal di translate jadi inggris. trus gw saranin;

gw: gimana kalo...bawang merah dan bawang putih?
adek gw: udah biasa cc...trus kalo di translate jadi red and white garlics kan disaster..
gw: bener juga...(teringat saat guru bule gw yg namanya simon terkejut mendengar alkisah red and white garlic)

sir simon: tell me one of the indonesian story
sir simon: WHAT???!
gw: yes, sir, no sir, was sir!

*back to conversation*

adek gw: tadi sih aku ud google crita rakyat, trus aku dapet crita, judulnya "tupai dan ikan gabus"
gw: yawes itu aja, keknya lucu, liat dong
adek gw: nih liat aja..

gw: ESWETE! udah critanya GA JELAS! SINGKAT! dan moralnya DIKIT! NO WAY!
adek gw: tapi nanti kan di translate, jadi ikan gabus apa bhs inggrisnya, c?
gw: hmm....sponge fish?
adek gw: SERIUS DONG!!!
gw: hmm...opo toh
adek gw: google translator deh
adek gw: *nyoba kata2 yang lain dulu...

dia tulis dri Inggris ke Indonesia:

its you, its me, its our, its love

sama google ditranslate jadi:

perusahaan anda, perusahaan saya, perusahaan kami, yang cinta.
NICE! translator nya geblek....

gw: *google ikan gabus*
adek gw: oh, namanya cat fish?
gw: *google ikan gabus in english*
adek gw: HAH? kok snake head disini tulisnya?

berikut ini silsilah penelusuran google yang bertambah seram seiring dengan waktu...

KALO gw jadi tupainya, sangatlah jelas gw bakal kabur secepet mungkin dri ikan gabus karena dia HOROR!

ANJRIT! masa kek gitu ikan gabus???

adek gw: cc, kayanya....ikan gabus yang papa pelihara dulu, ngga kek gini deh
gw: mungkin ini perkawinan kuda laut dan buaya..
adek gw: apa ganti crita ya?
gw: lebih baik begitu....

P.S: jangan pernah makan ikan gabus