PTC - PAY To Click

PTC (Pay to Click) is a site that members pay for each click on ads that are available.

In addition to Google AdSense, business is is also profitable. just click the ads, can dollars .. not only is Google AdSense, the name Laughing. Or many other similar sites on the Internet

What is is a service that will pay you only a click and see the ad provided. The more you click and see the ad, then the income you will be greater.

How you Can Click To One / View? pay you $ 0.01 for each ad that you see. For each click / view, requires you to not close the window ads in 30 seconds.

Well ... Give estimates that can be produced in 1 Month?
Assuming you browsing for 3 hours per day. And the assumption of time is 3 hours, you certainly do not continue to see ads from advertisers, but only side while walking or blog search for content sites.

Effective from 3 hours browsing, there is a 2-hour time while browsing the view

2 hours x 60 x 2 = 240 views / click.
We only take the limit to 200 views.

200 x 0.01 = 2 dollars / day = 60 dollars / month Money mouth.

Of course, 60 dollars a month is tolerable .. even to pay for an internet connection you have more than enough now.

Ok, I participate, How do I listen?

Very easy. If you feel this review helpful for you, please click on this link: to the list.
Cool it, sign up through the referral I will not cut your earning even one cent, but with the referral program provided by the then there is every new member who register on the link at the top so I get my $ 0.1 per member, so also if you have signed up later thou will get a $ 0.1 registers if there is to referral links with you and so forth, is not tolerable ...??

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