PTC - PAY To Click
In addition to Google AdSense, business is is also profitable. just click the ads, can dollars .. not only is Google AdSense, the name Laughing. Or many other similar sites on the Internet
What is is a service that will pay you only a click and see the ad provided. The more you click and see the ad, then the income you will be greater.
How you Can Click To One / View? pay you $ 0.01 for each ad that you see. For each click / view, requires you to not close the window ads in 30 seconds.
Well ... Give estimates that can be produced in 1 Month?
Assuming you browsing for 3 hours per day. And the assumption of time is 3 hours, you certainly do not continue to see ads from advertisers, but only side while walking or blog search for content sites.
Effective from 3 hours browsing, there is a 2-hour time while browsing the view
2 hours x 60 x 2 = 240 views / click.
We only take the limit to 200 views.
200 x 0.01 = 2 dollars / day = 60 dollars / month Money mouth.
Of course, 60 dollars a month is tolerable .. even to pay for an internet connection you have more than enough now.
Ok, I participate, How do I listen?
Very easy. If you feel this review helpful for you, please click on this link: to the list.
Cool it, sign up through the referral I will not cut your earning even one cent, but with the referral program provided by the then there is every new member who register on the link at the top so I get my $ 0.1 per member, so also if you have signed up later thou will get a $ 0.1 registers if there is to referral links with you and so forth, is not tolerable ...??
Cash and Pay-per-click Affiliate Programs
To make things much simpler: the affiliate merchant provides a strip of advertisement and pays you when someone clicks on the ad’s link. You can get a commission of $0.10 to $0.30 for every click, but it sometimes it can go higher depending on your merchant affiliate. Sometimes, merchants require a quota ($1.4 for every 1000 clicks). Plus, you can get discounts from your merchant affiliates if you happen to like their products too. You can just kick back and relax while your website is generating cash. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?
What is PCC Affiliate Program?
PPC means pay-per-click, wherein you get in partnership with an affiliate company that literally pays you for every click. There are actually two types of PCC affiliate programs – those who pay a commission based on the number of clicks and the other based on the sales. The pay-per-click scheme is much more popular than pay-per-lead because the affiliate gets paid by just clicking the ad, regardless of whether the visitor buys from the affiliate merchant or not. Plus the chances of a visitor purchasing something from the affiliate merchant are not really that high.
In choosing an affiliate program, read the fine print carefully – some pay-per-click programs get the ratio of the number of people who went to your site and the actual people who clicked on the ad. If you have a heavily targeted website, this can hurt your earnings.
How do I start?
Of course, you need to have a website. Depending on your target audience, choose the best affiliate merchant that is most related to your topic. For example, your website is about Carpentry then you can search for affiliate programs that sell tools used in carpentry.
However, if you don’t have a website, that’s not a problem. You can put up a content site about absolutely anything under the sun like ‘Taking Care of Dogs’ or ‘Decorating your own Home.’ But wait, its not over yet. We are faced by a dilemma – on how to increase traffic! You first need to get internet surfers to see your website, then the ad.
How do I increase my traffic?
First, design your website in such a way that it will attract internet users. A user-friendly site is always recommended so that the customers will know which one to click. Take into consideration the look and feel of the advertisement. If it doesn’t look professional, most likely, users will just ignore it. Place the ad on a strategic location – one where users can see it clearly. Visibility of the ad is always important.
Another way is to post a link to your website in forums, web communities, ezine articles or bulletin boards. However, this method requires a lot of effort – that defeats your purpose of getting easy money in the first place! The key is to do something once and forget about it. It’s like putting your business on autopilot. To maintain you pay-per-click business, be sure to track down site activity, so you are updated on how much money you are making.
Can I make more money?
If you think you can go to the next level, you can try a two-tier affiliate program. This gives you the power to recruit affiliates. Other than the money you get from your website’s clicks, you will also get a percentage of what your affiliate generates. Some companies give 30% to a soaring 50% commission on all referral sales.
Remember, you should be able to manage and monitor your affiliate program. If you can recruit more affiliates, then you can get paid more without even moving a finger! Choose affiliates that can most likely attract more internet users and bring more traffic. You just have to know the right people.
Cara Menggunakan Multiclicker Untuk PTC
Jika kompi Anda sudah menginstall JRE, maka Multiclicker bisa digunakan. Jika belum, silakan download di
Buka file multiclicker-win.exe maka akan ada tampilan
Kemudian klik logo yang ada tanda + (Tambah) di samping kiri multiclicker. Maka akan tampil halaman
Tab PTC, pilih PTC mana yang sudah anda registrasi.
Tab User, masukkan username dan password PTC Anda tadi
Tab Automation, pilih model klik (saya anjurkan biarkan saja)
Tab Proxy, jika Anda menggunakan banyak akun dalam PTC yang sama, aktifkan penggunaan proxy. Proxy bisa ambil di Proxy akan up to date setiap hari, maka jika akan menggunakan proxy, cobalah dulu masuk dan periksa proxy disitus tersebut. Saya rekomendasikan untuk mengambil yang terupdate.
Tab Settings, pilih apakan akan jalankan setiap startup aplikasi ini dan pengaturan browser default (ini jika ada perbaruan versi, maka akan membuka halaman web browser default tadi.)
Tab Finish, untuk pengaturan apakah akan langsung menjalankan aplikasi setelah pengaturan akun telah selesai.
Jika semua data akun PTC Anda sudah benar, silakan hajar tombol Finish.
Untuk mengganti bahasa, masuk ke menu File-Settings, maka muncul halaman seperti ini,
Thinkbux, Thinkbux,
AdsTab, AdsTab
Bux3, Bux3
Crewbux, Crewbux
FoxCash, FoxCash
IClickClub, IClickClub
WorldBux, WorldBux (discontinued may be working)
Pembayaran PTC akan dilakukan PAYPAL atau ALERTPAY
Link Download:
Multiclicker 1.4.1 di sini
Atau kalau gagal link di atas coba di sini
Java Run Time
$$$$$$ Selamat mendulang Dollar $$$$$$
Sumber: dari situs teman
Program-program internet yang menghasilkan uang sangat banyak sekali, baik yang membutuhkan modal maupun free alias gratis meskipun penghasilannya tidak kalah dengan program yang berbayar, HYIP, MLM, Matrix, Online Money Games, Investasi, dll. Bisnis online gratis tersebut seperti Pay to Click, Pay per Click, Pay per View, Pay per Lead, Pay to Online, Pay to Search, Pay to Surf, Affiliasi/ Refferal, dan masih banyak lagi yang gratisan di internet tapi memberikan income bagi membernya. Dan untuk memaksimalkan hasilnya sampai ratusan dollar/ bulan ikuti saja tip dan triknya disini
Dan kalau ada program/bisnis online yang dipromo dapat menjadi kaya dengan 5D alias duduk, diam, dan Dapat Duit, itu hanya omong kosong !!!. Kalau anda mau mengetahui tip-tip dan trik meraih penghasilan ratusan dollar/ bulan dari bisnis online gratis di internet dengan sangat mudah klik aja disini. Info yang diberikan ( tip/triknya) Insyaallah sangat dibutuhkan sekali oleh para pebisnis online terutama para newbie.
The Benefits and Advantages Online Business
- Online business can do from anywhere. Whether from Internet cafes, either from the campus, either from home. While the online business must be conducted in offices, shops, and places that have been fixed. With the online business, "office" that come to me, with the offline business, I come to the office.
- Online business is easy, Simply sit, clack-type, and more. While watching TV and drinking ice tea sweet, world. If my friends need up-to-go aboard, trapped jammed, hot, and so forth. TV? Sweet tea? Do not please.
- Online business income is LARGE! No need many years of work, if you are diligent in only a few months have been very sweet fruit can do business online. No need to be smart mathematics physics chemistry, only need to know how diligent and run it.
- Capital Yes correct relatively small, very small. No need to use capital that can store hundreds of millions. You only need to learn his spirit, and a computer with Internet access.
Make Money, Easy on the Internet
Actually getting to make money on the web is so easy that those who finally get to do it using the strategy you are about to read kick themselves and wonder why they never figured it out for themselves before.
The easy way to make money on the Internet is to launch a free blog, make it as interesting as possible, use high traffic keywords to build traffic and then sprinkle links to relevant affiliate programs all over your content. While you are at it, make sure that you post Google Adsense ads at your blogs as one of the affiliate programs you will use to make easy money on the Internet.
It is as easy as that. The rest are the details, which you can pick up as you go along. You can even greatly speed up the learning process by ensuring that you read everything that you can get your hands on online, that addresses this specific subject.
That is the easy way to make money online that so many home business owners are already using.
Learn more about this make money strategy from a blogger who is using it to rake in thousands of dollars... and growing. Or subscribe to his email newsletter with plenty of case studies that will help you maximize on your affiliate earnings. To get it free send a blank email NOW.
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Making Money On the Internet
After being on the internet and browsing around, we’ve all seen that people are making money on the internet. And it isn’t just business people or computer geniuses. It’s everyday people like you and me. People who have come through tough times and lost their jobs are turning to the internet for a new form of income.
People who want a second income are developing web sites on subjects that they are interested in anyway. Making money on the internet is something that anyone can do with a little innovation, creativity, and research.
There are many things to consider before you start making money on the internet. How are you going to make your money? Are you going to sell a good or a service?
Are you going to design a web page with information that people really want and use advertising to bring in profits? Are you going to do it all on your own or are you going to hire people to work with you? These are all important to think about before you get carried away with your dream of making money on the internet.
Having a plan is important and doing your research is critical. You can’t simply put up a website and expect that people are going to come running to you. Making money on the internet isn’t as easy as that. Once you’ve decided what your service or product is you need to think about your website. Where are you going to have it hosted? Who is going to design it? What will make up your site – mostly graphics or mostly text? How are you going to get the word out there?
One of the most important means of getting your site known is through search engines. Search engines need to be able to find you and one of the main ways they do that is through key words. Don’t know what key words are? Then you’d better not start your site yet. Now you need to do some research. Another way search engines find you is through links from other sites. Links that are not reciprocal (when you put a link back to them on your website) are best.
Are you scared yet? No? Good, because if you’re not scared or worried at this point, making money on the internet has just become a real possibility for you. You are already on the way to a residual income that you can bring in by working at home. If you are serious about making money on the internet, you could be the next everyday guy or girl to make an absolute fortune from doing business on the internet!
How to Make Money on the Internet in Three Easy Steps
With that being said, let's make some easy (and passive) money using the Internet.
First step: Get a website
The first thing you want to do is have your own website. It is very important. If you don't got one, use blogspot or something. But it's better if you got your own domain name.
Second step: Find something to promote (and thus make some easy money!)
I like affiliate marketing. Why? Because you don't have to own any product or a handle customer service. All you have to do is find what people want to buy, direct them to a late to buy through, and collect the commission. How easy is that? You could use clickbank or Commission Junction. They're both good. They pay you monthly via check.
What you do is write a short product review and then put your affiliate link on your website so you get a commission every time someone buys the product.
Third step: get traffic AKA customers
It's real life, you get customers. On the Internet, you get traffic. What you want to do is get people to visit your website, and have them read your awesome review of the product you're promoting. And hopefully they will buy it. And when they do, you collect the commission for easy money.
Who else wants to make $2000 a month at home during their spare time -- without investing any money up front, without getting scammed, without having a website. I'll show you how, step by step .... click on for my Newbie Income $2500 manual, yours for free, of course :)
I've been making a full time income on from home since 2006 but ... don't laugh when I tell you this: I'm not an expert! I'm a nobody. But nobodys can still make a very decent income fro the Internet. To find out how I did it, click on How to find free at home jobs
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