Somebody has the balls to call what the French are doing piracy. As a pirate I am offended. You can't call those cheese-eating, wine-drinking surrender monkeys pirates!
"Last week, the French National Assembly approved a bill that would force online music vendors to make their music compatible with any music player." I see no problem with that! No one in their right mind would see a problem with that. If you, the consumer, are forced to use one music store (iTunes Music Store) with one audio player (iTunes) with one device (iPod), I daresay you would be pissed at the lack of choice.
I'm a Linux user so I have a different perspective than others. The iTunes player does NOT work on Linux and most likely never will. Therefore, the iTunes Music Store canNOT be used and I canNOT get any music from them. If there was a music store that worked on Linux (natively, no emulated shit) and that worked with the iPod (or any other music player) you'd be able to get geeks to buy music instead of pirating it. The problem is that of convenience.
I see Apple as the RIAA [Recording Industry of America]. Everyone's a pirate to them because they're a monopoly.
This [FairPlay] makes Apple's ubiquitous iPod incompatible with music downloaded from any site other than iTunes, and songs downloaded from iTunes incompatible with other players.I fucking wonder why they have 70 percent! Reason one: Idiot people fall for their genious marketing and buy the iPod because it looks cool. Reason two: You buy an iPod, you're using the iTunes Music Store and if you use the iTunes Music Store, you're using an iPod. We don't see this happen with any other music store or music player.
The result is Apple's whopping 70 percent share of the market for digital music downloads.
I'm going to finish with this rant by saying those surrender monkeys are doing a good deed for the consumer. I think I might stop calling them surrender monkeys just because of it...Nah.